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姓       名:李莎莎
学       历:博士研究生
职       称:副教授(硕士研究生导师)
邮       箱:liss@cust.edu.cn
2021.04—至今 长春理工大学 713贵宾会检测线路 教师
2021.04—2023.05长春理工大学 物理学 博士后
2017.09—2020.12 长春理工大学 材料科学与工程 工学博士
2014.07—2017.08 吉林出入境检验检疫局技术中心 助理工程师
2011.09—2014.07 东北师范大学 有机化学 理学硕士
2007.09—2011.07 齐齐哈尔大学 化学 理学学士
1.吉林省教育厅,重点项目,照明显示用零维钙钛矿复合发光材料研究,2024.01 至 2025.12, 主持
2.吉林省人力资源社会保障厅,人才开发专项,稀土离子掺杂0-D Cs4PbBr6钙钛矿量子点玻璃的制备及光物理性能研究, 2024.01 至 2025.12, 主持
3.吉林省教育厅, 重点项目, 超稳定低维钙钛矿量子点微晶玻璃制备及应用研究,2022.01 至 2023.12, 主持
4.吉林省教育科学“十四五”规划2023年度一般课题,无机非金属材料工程专业大学生复杂工程问题解决能力培养的创新性研究,2023.10 至 2025.10, 主持
5.教育部产学合作协同育人,高校教师科研数据治理能力提升研究,2023.05 至 2025.05, 主持
6.吉林建筑大学寒地建筑综合节能教育部重点实验室开放基金项目, 重点项目, 低阻化聚合物基PTC复合材料制备与性能研究, 2022.01 至 2023.12, 主持

1. Qianqian Zhao, Guanpeng Yao, Han Zhang, Lanjian Nie, Ziyang Pei, Lina Liu, Chun Li, Hai Lin, Weiling Yang, Shasha Li*(一通), Fanming Zeng, Excellent blue-green luminescence and temperature sensing properties of Eu3+ doped Cs4PbBr4Cl2 nanocrystal glass ceramics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2025, 1010,177214.

2. Yanhong Wang, Guanpeng Yao, Qianqian Zhao, Xianggen Chen, Lina Liu, Chun Li, Weiling Yang, Shasha Li*(一通), Hai Lin, Fanming Zeng, Eu3+-doped Cs4PbBr6 quantum dots incorporated into borogermanate glass-ceramics for optical temperature sensing, Optical Materials, 2024, 152, 115553.

3. Huisheng Liu, Rujia Chen, Zhuang Leng, Xiliang Jiang, Yongtao Li, Xuejian Zhang, Chun Li, Shasha Li*(一通), Weiling Yang, Fanming Zeng, Structure, J-O analysis, and near-infrared luminescence of Er3+/Yb3+ doped SiO2–B2O3-GdF3-CaO-Bi2O3 glass, Optical Materials, 2024, 157, 116118.

4. Shasha Li, Guanchen Liu, Hai Lin, Chun Li, Fanming Zeng, Jingquan Lin, Weidong Xiang, Enhanced luminescence properties and device applications of Tb3+-doped Cs4PbBr6 perovskite quantum dot glass, Ceramics International, 2023, 49, 4541–4550.

5. Huisheng Liu, Zidong Zhou, Rujia Chen, Ce Li, Zhuang Leng, Xiliang Jiang, Yongtao Li, Xuejian Zhang, Chun Li, Weiling Yang, Shasha Li*(一通), Fanming Zeng, Photoluminescence tuning and scintillation properties of Tb3+/Dy3+ ion-doped SiO2-B2O3-Gd2O3/GdF3-CaO glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2023, 618, 122526.

6. Shasha Li, Guanpeng Yao, Guanchen Liu, Lanjian Nie, Chun Li, Hai Lin, Fanming Zeng, Weidong Xiang, Low lead migration 0D-Cs4PbBr6 nanocrystal glass with super thermal stability a new member of luminous family, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 904,164058.

7. Huisheng Liu, Zidong Zhou, Weiling Yang, Ce Li, Zhuang Leng, Xiliang Jiang, Xuejian Zhang, Shasha Li*(一通), Chun Li, Fanming Zeng, Zhongmin Su, Photochromic tuning and scintillation properties of Tb3+/Eu3+ co-doped calcium gadolinium zinc borosilicate glass, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2022, 590, 121705.

8. Shasha Li, Guanchen Liu, QunLiu, Lanjian Nie, Guanpeng Yao, Fanming Zeng, Yaoting He, Weidong Xiang, Ultrastable Zero-Dimensional Cs4PbBr6 Perovskite Quantum Dot Glass, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8 (29), 10646–10652.

9. Shasha Li, Lanjian Nie, Shumin Ma, Guanpeng Yao, Fanming Zeng, Xinyu Wang, Chunyi Sun, Zhongmin Su, Environmentally friendly CsPbBr3 QDs multicomponent glass with superstability for optoelectronic devices and up-converted lasing, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40, 3270–3278.

10. Shasha Li, Yaoting He, Moxi Li, Fanming Zeng, Xudan Wang, Chunyi Sun, Zhongmin Su, Tunable magnetic and fluorescent properties of Tb3Ga5O12 nanoparticles doped with Er3+, Yb3+, and Sc3+, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 794, 227–235.

11. Guanpeng Yao, Shasha Li (共一), Damir Valiev, Qiumei Chen, Yuan Hu, Lina Jia, Sergey Stepanov, Yanyan Zhou, Chun Li, Zhongmin Su, Fanming Zeng, Structural, spectroscopic and temperature characterizations of Dy3+-doped CsPbBr3 quantum dots in borogermanate glass-ceramics, Optical Materials, 2021, 122, 111711.

12. Guanpeng Yao, Shasha Li (共一), Damir Valiev, Mengjia Chen, Sergey Stepanov, Yanjiong Lu, Chun Li, Yanyan Zhou, Zhongmin, Fanming Zeng, Luminescence behavior and temperature sensing properties of Sm3+-doped Cs4PbBr6 quantum dots encapsulated in borogermanate glass, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2022, 582, 121462.

13. Qiu Liu, Shasha Li, Haihuan Yu, Fanming Zeng, Xiao Li, Zhongmin Su, Covalently crosslinked zirconium-based metal-organic framework aerogel monolith with ultralow-density and highly efficient Pb (II) removal, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2020, 516, 211–219.

1.Ceramics International 期刊审稿人
版权所有:713贵宾会(中国·VIP认证)检测线路·Maigoo百科 地址:吉林省长春市卫星路7989 邮编:130022
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