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姓       名:董文月
学       历:博士研究生
职       称:副教授(硕士生导师)
邮       箱:dongwenyue@cust.edu.cn
2005.09-2009.07 吉林大学 化学学院 化学专业 学士
2009.09-2012.07 吉林大学 超分子结构与材料国家重点实验室 有机化学专业 硕士
2012.10-2015.09 德国-伍珀塔尔大学 化学学院 高分子化学专业 博士
2015.04-2015.05 葡萄牙-科英布拉大学 化学学院 激光与生物/健康光子学培训
2016.09-2019.8 713贵宾会检测线路 讲师
2019.09至今 713贵宾会检测线路 副教授
[5]2019-2020年吉林省青年人才托举工程,聚合物光电功能材料与传感技术, 2019/05-2020/12,主持。


[1] Rentuya Wu#, Xiaosong Sun#, Wenyue Dong*, Yanwei Li, Qian Duan*, Teng Fei, The synthesis of tetraarylethylene-based conjugated polymers for the application of fluorescence sensing towards nitroaromatics, Polym. Chem., 2024, 15, 4221–4230.

[2] Baoping Ren, Wenyue Dong*, Zhihua Ma, Qian Duan*, Teng Fei, In Situ Loading of ZnS on the PPF‑3 Surface for Enhancing Nonlinear Optical Performance, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2024, 16(39), 52977−52987.

[3] Jia Fu, Xiaosong Sun, Yiping Xi, Qiuyu Wang, Dongyang Chen, Zeyu Lian, Wenyue Dong*, Qian Duan*, Teng Fei, The Preparation of Tetraarylethylene-Based Porous Polymer Nanoparticles for the Sensitive Detection of Picric Acid in Aqueous Media, ACS Appl. Polym. Mater., 2024, 6, 16, 9875–9882.

[4] Xiaosong Sun, Qihao Cui, Wenyue Dong*, Qian Duan*, Teng Fei, Anthracene and tetraphenylsilane based conjugated porous polymer nanoparticles for sensitive detection of nitroaromatics in water, Spectrochim. Acta A, 2024, 308, 123667.

[5] Baoping Ren, Qihao Cui, Wenyue Dong*, Teng Fei*, Fluorene and Tetraphenylsilane Based Conjugated Microporous Polymer Nanoparticles for Highly Efficient Nitroaromatics Detection in Aqueous Media, Adv. Sensor Res., 2024, 3, 2300139.

[6] Haixu Zhao, Tianwen Ouyang, Yanwei Li, Wenyue Dong*, Qian Duan*, Teng Fei, Conjugated Microporous Polymer Nanoparticles that Disperse in Water for Detection of Nitroaromatics, ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2023, 6, 22989-22997.

[7] Shengjie Li, Tianwen Ouyang, Xue Guo, Wenyue Dong*, Zhihua Ma, Teng Fei*, Tetraphenylethene-Based Cross-Linked Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticles for Efficient Detection of 2,4,6-Trinitrophenol in Aqueous Phase, Materials, 2023, 16, 6458.

[8] Qihao Cui, Xue Guo, Wei Zhang, Wenyue Dong*, Qian Duan*, Preparation of porous organic polymer nanoparticles in miniemulsion for 2,4,6-trinitrophenol sensing, Dyes Pigments, 2022, 208, 110843.

[9] Wei Zhang, Qihao Cui, Xue Guo, Tianwen Ouyang, Wenyue Dong*, Qian Duan*, Highly sensitive, selective and reliable detection of picric acid in aqueous media based on conjugated porous polymer nanoparticles, Microchem. J., 2022, 183, 108022.

[10] Tianwen Ouyang, Xue Guo, Qihao Cui, Wei Zhang, Wenyue Dong*, Teng Fei*, Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticles Based on Anthracene and Tetraphenylethene for Nitroaromatics Detection in Aqueous Phase, Chemosensors 2022, 10, 366.

[11] Wei Zhang, Bo Gao, Xue Guo, Wenyue Dong*, Polyfluorene based fluorescent sensor for sensitive and selective detection of picric acid, Mater. Lett., 2022, 306, 130860.

[12] Xue Guo, Bo Gao, Xu Cui, Jihua Wang, Wenyue Dong*, Qian Duan*, Teng Fei, Zhongmin Su, PL sensor for sensitive and selective detection of 2,4,6-trinitrophenol based on carbazole and tetraphenylsilane polymer, Dyes Pigments, 2021, 191, 109379.

[13] Wenyue Dong, Qihang Ma, Zhihua Ma, Qian Duan*, Xiaoling Lü, Nannan Qiu, Teng Fei*, Zhongmin Su, Phosphorescent iridium(III) complex based photoluminescence sensor for sensitive and selective detection of picric acid, Dyes Pigments, 2020, 172, 107799.

[14] Qihang Ma, Wenyue Dong*, Zhihua Ma, Xiaoling Lv, Yanwei Li, Qian Duan*, Synthesis of phosphorescent iridium(III) complex containing carbazole and its sensing property towards nitro-aromatic compounds, Mater. Lett., 2019, 249, 120-123.

[15] Wenyue Dong*, Zhihua Ma, Peng Chen, Qian Duan*, Carbazole and tetraphenylethylene based AIE-active conjugated polymer for highly sensitive TNT detection, Mater. Lett., 2019, 236, 480-482.

[16] Wenyue Dong, Zhihua Ma, Qian Duan*, Teng Fei*, Crosslinked fluorescent conjugated polymer nanoparticles for high performance explosive sensing in aqueous media, Dyes Pigments, 2018, 159, 128-134.

[17] Wenyue Dong*, Zhihua Ma, Qian Duan*, Preparation of stable crosslinked polyelectrolyte and the application for humidity sensing, Sens. Actuators B: Chem., 2018, 272, 14-20.

[18] Wenyue Dong*, Teng Fei, Ullrich Scherf*, Conjugated polymers containing tetraphenylethylene in the backbones and side-chains for highly sensitive TNT detection, RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 5760-5767.

[19] Wenyue Dong, Jõao Pina, Yuyu Pan, Eduard Preis, J. Sérgio Seixas de Melo, Ullrich Scherf*, Polycarbazoles and polytriphenylamines showing aggregation induced emission (AIE) and intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) behavior for the optical detection of nitroaromatic compounds, Polymer, 2015, 76, 173-181.

[20] Wenyue Dong, Yuyu Pan, Martin Fritsch, Ullrich Scherf*, High sensitivity sensing of nitroaromatic explosive vapors based on polytriphenylamines with AIE-active tetraphenylethylene side groups, J. Polym. Sci. Pol. Chem., 2015, 53, 1753-1761.

[21] Wenyue Dong, Teng Fei, Alex Palma-Cando, Ullrich Scherf*, Aggregation induced emission and amplified explosive detection of tetraphenylethylene substituted polycarbazoles, Polym. Chem., 2014, 5, 4048-4053.

[22] Wenyue Dong, Shanfeng Xue, Ping Lu, Jian Deng, Donglin Zhao, Cheng Gu, Yuguang Ma*, Functionality of peripheral side chain for enhanced performance of conjugated polymer-F8BT as an example, J. Polym. Sci. Pol. Chem., 2011, 49, 4549-4555.


[1] 董文月,张元丰,任宝平,段潜,硫化锌/钴卟啉基金属有机框架复合材料及其制备方法,申请号:2024112952540。

[2] 董文月,赵海旭,梁晨,欧阳天文,李艳伟,段潜,四芴基硅烷-苯并噻二唑共轭微孔聚合物纳米粒子及其制备方法,申请号:2023115396782。

[3] 董文月,梁晨,张伟,段潜,三苯胺-四/三苯乙烯基共轭多孔聚合物纳米粒子及其制备方法,专利号:ZL202210595017.0。

[4] 马志华,董文月,王艳平,左青卉,司振君,段潜,热活化延迟荧光温敏聚合物及其制备方法,专利号:ZL202010888594.X。

[5] 董文月,一种原位修饰纸基硝基爆炸物荧光传感材料的制备方法,申请号:2018104376356。


[5]2020 年吉林省18 条人才政策E 类人才;
[6]2019 年入选吉林省青年科技人才托举工程;
版权所有:713贵宾会(中国·VIP认证)检测线路·Maigoo百科 地址:吉林省长春市卫星路7989 邮编:130022
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